Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Terrible Twos...Too Early!

How do you spell Lorelai?  D-I-V-A!  We are going to be in trouble with this child.  She is a handful!  Lorelai is only 22 months old, but she is already a world class diva.  She can throw a tantrum better than any child I have ever seen.  One minute she is happy and playing nicely with a toy and the next minute she is sprawled on the floor, thrashing about and screaming.  It doesn't take much to set her off.  A simple "no" or "that's not your toy" will send her into an all out fit.  The best part of these tantrums is the way she throws herself on the floor without abandon.  Half the time she ends up hurting herself because she flops to the ground without any regard for how much it is going to hurt.  She slams her face into carpet or throws her hands above her head like she is going to faint.  It really would be hilarious if it weren't so infuriating.  She doesn't want to take the time to understand WHY she can't do what we tell her not to do.  She just wants to scream about it.  Communication isn't very good just yet because she doesn't talk very well.  This lack of communication has only increased the fury of her tantrums.  We try to just let her work it out on her own and ignore the drama.  Usually that works, but it wears us down.  She is beautiful and sweet, but man that girl can make some drama!  I can't wait until the teenage should be interesting!  Terrible twos, I think you came a few months too early!

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