Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Crazy Weather Week

In the past week we have experienced a massive tornado, 4 inches of snow and 65 degree sunny days.  It seems that God is having a little fun with us here in Central KY!  Last Friday we had to go hide out in our basement for a few hours (with all kinds of food, drinks and entertainment) in case our house was blown away in a tornado.  They called off school early and sent the kids home to hide in their basements.  Luckily, there was no damage in Lexington, but several other surrounding areas were wiped off the map.  We are very grateful that we were unharmed.  Here are a few pictures of the "bunker".
Of course Finn had his iPod with him.  You wouldn't go into a bunker without it, would you?  We all had our computers, there was the TV (Directv never lost the signal by the way!), movies, snacks galore as you can see, a mini fridge with drinks, a microwave and even a massage chair!  The kids definitely thought it was fun.

Lorelai enjoying her empty water bottle.

She loves that iPod too!

In case of a tornado, this might have been the safest spot in the house!  We made a tent and Finnegan and Lorelai played under there most of the time.

Here he is with the flashlight.

The tornado was on Friday and here is a picture of Monday morning!  What?  Wasn't it just 70 degrees on Friday and now we have 4 inches of snow?!  Crazy.  They called off school and we had a snow day!

By Tuesday night, all the snow was gone and we were back to 60 degrees and sunny on Wednesday.  Crazy.  I certainly hope spring is here and winter won't be creeping back in again.  Oh, and I hope the tornadoes stay away too!

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